Cherry Angioma Removal

Cherry Angioma Removal

                                                 Cherry Angioma Removal


*Available in Gorey & Wexford Clinics

Cherry Angiomas are common skin growths that can grow on most areas of your body. Also known as Campbell de Morgan Spots, they are small, benign spots made up of clusters of capillaries they look like small red dots which appear at the surface of the skin. They range in colour from bright red to purple most often appear on the face, lips, chest or body as result of tiny capillaries at the skin’s surface clustering together and dilating.

This type of skin growth is typically not a cause for concern unless you notice something unusual about i.e. if it bleeds often or changes in size, shape, or colour. Consult your doctor if you notice any changes in appearance. At Eikon Beauty we can effectively treat Cherry Angiomas spots. It is also possible to treat multiple lesions at the same time. It is a non-invasive procedure and will take a couple of seconds to treat one lesion. Our device electrocauterizes the cherry angioma. During this process, a minute electric needle cauterizes away and destroys the blood vessels. leaving the surrounding area undisturbed.